How To Control Wasps Around Your Home?

You sit at a bench and enjoy the beautiful spring morning when an unidentified insect flies and stings hard. The stinging is too painful and leaves you numb for a few minutes. You are left thinking whether it’s a bee or a wasp? According to experts from leading wasps control Brisbane, large-scale infestationStinging insects like bees, wasps, and hornets are beneficial to the environment. In truth, they are nature’s most reliable pollinators and function as predators to various garden pests. But when threatened by human presence, wasps can deliver the most painful stings, triggering severe allergic reactions. So, if you want to remove a wasp, always contact a qualified wasp control Brisbane technician.

What Is A Wasp?

Wasps are flying insects in the order Hymenoptera and suborder Apocrita. It is not an ant or bee. While wasps can behave like bees in terms of colonies, there are also many solitary wasps. Of course, a vast category of wasps pollinates while many don’t, which makes them a unique and diverse variety. 

Wasp Control Brisbane

How To Identify Wasps?

Identifying wasps is a bit tricky. More than 4000 species of wasps in the country vary in appearance, pollination behaviour, and colony. However, you can spot them with the help of these features.

  • Wasps have a slender body.
  • Wasps have a noticeable waist to their midsection
  • Wasps have more delicate and complex to detect body hair
  • Wasps can live in colonies and also flies alone

How Do Wasps Build Their Nests?

Wasps have specially designed jaws that help them to build nests. But they require outside substances to create materials for their nests. It all starts when the queen wasp flies off to find a suitable spot for building nests. Also, wasps prefer shade and seclusion while building their nests. 

That’s why they prefer overhangs, eaves, roofs, trees, and decks. Wasps build their nests high in trees to avoid potential predators. However, wasp nests vary according to their type. Paper wasps prefer building cone-shaped nests with visible honeycomb chambers. At the same time, yellowjackets and hornets tend to build large, round nests with small openings. You can also speak to a certified wasp control Brisbane to understand the process.

Do Wasps Sting Or Bite?

Sometimes people who feel a sharp pain from a wasp don’t find the stinger in the affected place. So, they assume that the wasp has bitten them. It’s a misnomer because wasps don’t lose their stingers when they attack anyone. 

So, if you feel a sting and see a wasp nearby, you know you have been stung, not beaten. And if you are allergic, watch out for symptoms carefully. 

Some Interesting Facts About Wasps?

We all know that wasps can sting repeatedly, but there are also some interesting facts about these insects which you must know.

  • The sting of wasps goes away within  hours except for people with allergies
  • You can treat any ordinary sting with deodorant containing aluminium
  • Waste live in colonies with a distinct caste system in the order of queens, males, and workers
  • A male wasp is also called a Drone. It’s his job to mate with the queen, and after that, they die shortly afterwards
  • Wasps feed their young ones insect larvae
  • The only wasps that survive the winter are young fertilized queens, according to experts from leading wasp control Brisbane.

Difference Between Wasps And Bees?

Most people confuse between wasps and bees, and that’s why it’s crucial to differentiate between the two:

Nature Bee Wasp
Aggressiveness Less aggressive compared to wasps. Most honeybees die after stinging someone More cunning than bees and can sting multiple times
Feeding Habit Pollinators Predators
Identification Long and fat, dangling legs, brightly coloured two pairs of wings Long and thin, dangling legs, brightly coloured two pairs of wings
Characteristics Non-aggressive doesn’t prey on other insects Wasps vary significantly in their behaviour; some dig in the ground, but all parasitize pest insects
Physical Characteristics Hairy body and legs with a round thorax Cylindrical abdomen with round and waxy body

How Do Wasps Get Inside Your Home?

Wasps can get inside your home from anywhere – through open windows, windows without screens or holes. Also, they can get inside open doors and build their nest in wall cavities. Sometimes, they can also enter through the holes we dig for electrical wires or cable television. 

Where Do They Build Their Nests?

Once inside your home, wasps tend to build their nest high off the ground and away from any threats. You will often find wasps nests in places like:

  • Under eaves
  • Beneath windows
  • Inside wall cavities
  • Inside attics
  • Hollow logs
  • Unused equipment or debris 
  • Trees near your home
  • Piles of wood

When Are Wasps Most Active?

Wasps play various roles depending on the weather, but they are most active during the warmer months. You can learn more about their behaviour by speaking to a wasp control Brisbane professional.


Queen wasps become more active during this time and begin to build their nests. Also, they populate the nests with workers who protect the nests. 


During the warmer summer months, the labour level reaches its most potential. By July, hundreds of pests grow from the nests and achieve adulthood. It doesn’t mean that wasps are more active during summer; there are just too many of them during this season. 


Wasps activity begins to decline during fall. Also, they will fly further and stay out longer, guarding their spoils aggressively. So, the wasps you encounter in the fall are hungry and are looking for food. 

Should You Call A Professional For Wasp Removal?

According to experts from leading wasp removal and control Brisbane, it’s a complex question that every homeowner encounters. Should you call an expert wasp control Brisbane or do it yourself? You can, of course, do it yourself but remember they sting very hard. Also, wasps are beneficial to the environment, and professionals know how to remove them safely without harming them. 

Dealing with a wasp infestation is more complicated than you think. And that’s why calling a wasp control technician is the safest way to get the job done. 

How Much Does It Cost To Remove Wasp Nests?

Wasp nest removal cost in Brisbane varies according to:

  • Size of the nest
  • Region you live
  • Accessibility of the nest
  • Removal techniques used

If you have a wasp problem, it’s best to call a professional pest control company for a free quote. Reliance Pest Control Brisbane offers free quotes to customers so that you can be sure to get the best price for wasp nest removal.

Some additional factors that escalate the cost of wasp nest removal are:

  • Type Of Pest

  • Extent Of Infestation

  • Accessibility 

  • Emergency Calls

Wasp nests can be a real problem, especially during the summer months. Not only are they unsightly, but they can also be dangerous if you’re allergic to wasps. To get rid of a wasp infestation, you should call a pest control Brisbane service. Please contact us for a free quote. We’ll be happy to help you get rid of your wasp problem!

What Attracts Wasps Inside Your Yard?

If you have wasps inside your yard, you might be thinking why they are bothering you. Here are a few things that attract wasps inside your home.

  • Shelter 

During fall, the male wasps die after impregnating the queens. That’s why the queens seek shelter in warm, protected places to survive the cold. After all, the insulated crevices, cracks, and holes inside your home are the perfect place for wasps to stay. 

  • Food

After the fall, the queen and her workers emerge from their hideouts and branch out, searching for food. If they find anything to eat inside your home or garden, they will stay. Some digger wasps hove over the ground to prey on grubs and other insects. 

  • Sugar

Wasps need loads of sugar to survive the winter months. So, if you have sweet fruits in your garden or leftover soda cans on your table, they are a good source of sucrose for them. 

  • Flowers

Wasps are attracted to flowering plants and enjoy the nectar and the fragrance. Also, if you wear strong perfume, wasps will attract the scent. 

What Are The Best Way To Remove Wasp Nests?

These strategies might help you get rid of wasps if you have them in your house or yard.

1. Use Flypaper

This is an effective way to get rid of wasps. If you have a lot of wasps, they will get stuck to the flypaper and die. It is recommended that you use the brown paper type since it will camouflage with the background.

You can also use sticky board traps which are very similar to flypaper but more effective in catching wasps.

2. Use Sticky Tape Trap

Another option is to use sticky tape traps as this will trap them when they land on it.

If you want, you can even place some food for them on the tape so that they can continue eating until they die of starvation or dehydration. 

This method might not be so effective if there are only a few wasps around your house though as the chances are that they might escape before getting caught in the trap.

3. Spray Them With Water

If there are just a few wasps around your house, you can spray them with water using a garden hose or any other sprayer and this will kill them instantly as well as scare off other wasps from approaching your house in future.

The downside of this method is that you cannot use it if there are too many wasps around. 

How Do Professionals Remove Wasp Nests?

You might be wondering how professionals remove wasp nests. Most professionals employ the following methods to get rid of wasps. 

  • Inspect Your Property

When you call a certified wasp control Brisbane, they will inspect your property. Also, they will identify ground or hanging nests and determine the best way to remove them safely. What’s more, professionals can use customized treatment plans if you have multiple wasp nests. 

  • Remove The Nests

After locating the nests, the experts will remove them safely. However, it doesn’t kill the wasps but only destroys their nest. 

  • Apply Additional Treatments

Finally, exterminators will apply additional treatments, including baits, to prevent future infiltration of wasps inside your property. 

  • Annual Maintenance Plans

You can contact professionals for annual maintenance for large-scale infestations for wasp removal. It includes wasp treatment, monitoring, and extensive quality control for future infiltration.  

Ways to Prevent Wasps from Invading Your Property

You can follow these tips to keep wasps away from your property.

  • Do not leave open food and drinks or dirty dishes in the house. This will attract the wasps and cause them to invade your house.
  • Keep your trash can tightly covered at all times to prevent wasps from getting into it. If you see any wasps flying around your garbage can or if they get inside, do not throw out any food or meat products since this may attract more of them.
  • Do not leave any pet food outside since this will also attract wasps.
  • If you find a nest on your property, do not try to destroy it yourself since this may cause more of them to invade your property. Instead, get in touch with an exterminator who is licensed for pest control in your area and let him take care of the problem for you.

Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Wasp Removal?

People often wait too long before hiring a professional wasp control Brisbane. Budgeting help from the pest control experts is the right approach. While DIY might work, experts know the tricks of the trade. Also, improper use of pest products can lead to health concerns. Here are some of the benefits of contacting a specialized pest professional. 

  • Professionals know the exact quantity of pesticides they should use
  • Reduces your chances of falling sick
  • Provides efficient solutions regarding pest problems
  • It saves your cost over long-run
  • Experts will educate you regarding the process
  • It helps to eliminate wasps without eradicating them.

While wasps are good for the environment, their stings can be painful. So, you should always consult an expert wasp control Brisbane for eliminating wasp nests. You can also practice these above tips and keep your home free from wasp infestation.

Check out Reliance Pest Control company in Brisbane if you are looking for experienced and reliable experts. Specifically, this team has been top-rated in the entire Brisbane for their dedication to quality and professionalism. For that, you can find their customer reviews on Google My Business. Moreover, you can read more about their services and packages on their website. Lastly, they provide a free quote when you enquire.