How To Get Rid of Mice Infestation At Home in Brisbane

Mice come to your home in search of food and shelter. Once they get food, then they start living there and also reproduce. The reproduction process of mice is swift. Mice also carry various bacterias and viruses with them. They can damage your wires by chewing them; they can damage books, papers, rubberised stuff & clothes. Packaged foods, plastic containers, storage bags, everything is in harm’s way if you have mice in your home. Mice also leave urine and feces everywhere, which contain viruses and bacteria. Therefore, it is essential that effective mice control Brisbane be in place.

Brisbane Australia has several types of rodents and insects.  Pest infestation is a constant issue. Houses, offices, and farms are a potential target for the mice to find food and shelter there. If you face the same issues, keep reading to learn how to stop mice from infesting your home. 

Mice Infestation In Brisbane

Mice infestation is a widespread problem in Australia, and Brisbane is not an exception. Many people in Brisbane face severe rodent infestation problems at their homes and offices. Every year Mice infestation destroys tons of crops in Australia. Pest Control companies handle lots of rodent infestation cases in Brisbane daily. If your home is already infested, then you need to seek professional help. For premium quality pest control in Brisbane, you should contact local pest exterminators like Reliance Pest Control now!

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How Can Mice Be Harmful To Your Health?

An infested house with mice can cause various diseases to your kids, pets, and even you. Some of the diseases caused by mice are as follows; 

How Can Mice Destroy Your Property?

Mice not only spread disease but they also destroy lots of properties and furniture. They are small and can pass through any small hole or crack. They often dig the soil to make a way through. Scaling fences, landscaping features are like a regular job for them. 

Mice are attracted to food sources, so any food packet or crop baggage can help their feats. Mice actually can eat anything, including the plastic containers where you store your food. 

Mice can chew timber and create a way through if they have the chance. Cupboards and the clothes or books inside, nothing is safe in a mice-infested property. If you have mice at your home, your car wires are not secure also. As mice like chewing wires and rubbers, any exposed wires are at risk. 

At the time of the breeding season, mice make a nest for their newborns. To do so, they tear apart clothes, couches, mattresses, whatever they find suitable. 

In the farmhouses, the mice are known as one of the most significant nuisances. As mice destroy vineyards, vegetable crops, wheat, maise, barley, & whatever they get their teeth on.

Top 10 Tips To Get Rid Of Mice At Home

Mice are tiny in size so that they can enter your house even though the most minor holes & cracks. If you are sure about the mice’s presence at your home, you need to find their preferred location and nest. You can track them back by following their black feces, which they left behind. Keep your food away and use containers made of metal or unchewable plastic. 

You can manage to control mice at your Brisbane home by following methods:

Get A Pet Cat

If you like cats and have no problem keeping one at your home, this is the easiest way. Cats are natural predators of rodents. They will rush, catch and kill any rodent once they spot it. Also, the smell of the cat’s urine would work as a deterrent. Mice would dare not enter your house if they detected the scent of a cat’s litter. If you can not pet a cat, you can buy cat litter and spread them around your house to mirror a deterrent.

Use Essential Oils – Mice Control Brisbane

Peppermint oil and Clove Oil are excellent options for driving the mice away from your home. Make sure you buy the peppermint oil marked with a  100% pure tag. The smell of peppermint oil repels mice naturally as the mice do not like the smell. You can take some cotton balls and dab some oil on them. Then place them in various places from where the mice can come into your house. You can specifically target any area, like the garage or laundry, where the mice can go unnoticed. You also need to reapply the oil to the cotton balls every three days; else, the smell would dissipate. 

But remember, only 60% of the time, this method works out. For best results, you have to use this method in conjunction with some other ways. 

Set Humane Traps

If you do not want to kill the mice using some deadly traps, humane traps are best for you. To catch mice in the humane trap, you have to bait them with food. Also, the placement of the trap is critical. Mice usually come out of their nests at night in search of food. Provide them food that has a distinctive smell, like Peanut butter, cheese, buttered popcorn, cupcakes, etc. 

You can release the mice once you capture them in the trap, but make sure you release them at least 1 mile away from your home. Also, you should release the mice in an inhabitant area. The mice would not be able to make it to your house anyway. 

There is another reason for which humane traps are the best way to deal with mice. If you start killing mice, the smell of mice will remain in your house, which would call for further infestation. Also, once the mice group notices the decreasing numbers, they would start reproducing much faster to make it up. This way, a vicious cycle may form, and the infestation may get worse. 

If you possess enough craftsmanship, you can make your humane trap also. All the equipment needed to make a humane trap is readily available in the market. 

Use Hot Pepper Spray

Poison baits are readily available in the market, but you should not use them. The poison bait can be dangerous if you have children or pet dogs at your home. So, non-poisonous options are always better for any kind of mice control Brisbane. You can use concentrated hot pepper solution in targeted spots to break the route for the mice. But make sure to keep the hot pepper solution out of your children’s and pets’ reach. You should apply the pepper spray behind the cabinets, under the sink, or on the stove.

Pack Spaces With Steel Wool

Using steel wool is an excellent idea to prevent the incoming mice. This way, you would also be able to stop any rodents or snakes from coming to your home through the crack and holes. Steel wool is a cheap product you can buy easily in the market. Just shove as much steel wool as you can into the tight cracks and holes. Steel wool is unpleasant to chew, and mice would not try to go through it. 

Use Duct Tape

You need to buy excellent quality duct tapes for these. Duct tape is not a foolproof process, but you can stop mouse infestation up to an extent using duct tape strategically. Using duct tapes, you can cover small holes & cracks in walls. You can also cover the cracks or joint gaps in the cupboards to save your clothes from the mice. Hiding the wires with duct tape would also help to protect them from mice.


Using onions may sound a little bit peculiar to you, but the smell of onions works in the fight against mice. You must use freshly cut onions to do the trick. The smell of fresh onions is unbearable for the mice, and they just run away from it. Make sure your pet keeps clear of the onions. Yes, over usage of onions can make your house entirely smelling like an onion. 


Mothballs are also a natural way to deter mice from coming to your home. But just like peppermint oil, it works around 65% of the time. But mothballs are poisonous, and you must be very cautious while using them. Mothballs are highly toxic and can be life-threatening for kids and pets. 

You should use the mothballs in well-ventilated areas only. You have to place the mothballs as close to the mice’s nest as possible. 

Electronic Mice Control

There are some electronic devices available in the market known as rodents and insect repellents. Such devices use high-frequency sounds, which are hated by rodents and many insects. However, we humans are unable to hear such high-frequency sounds. But if you keep using such a device all the time, the rodents in your house will get used to it. This way, the rodents can become immune to such electronic rodent repellent devices. Also, the electronic rodent repellent devices are not very cheap, and that is also a problem.

Call For Professional Mice Control Brisbane Service

Calling the expert is the last step to do. If you can not stop the mice infestation at your house anyhow, you must call in for professional help without further delay. At offices, regular pest control is necessary, as there is no one to apply home remedies. Most exterminators use pet-friendly and child-friendly products, which are harmless for your pets and kids. The pest control expert can look for the source text and eradicate the extraction’s root within one day. 

Local pest exterminators in Brisbane assure quality service without moving any furniture during the procedure. Some pest control services also provide an after-service guarantee, which makes them a more reliable option. With a good quality pest control service from pest experts like Reliance Pest Control, your home would be free from any rodents, fleas, cockroaches, and spiders. 

The mice infestation problem is not to be neglected. At later stages controlling the infestation becomes very tough. Also, a mice infestation started at your home might end up infesting your neighbours. So when calling for pest control services, it is recommended to try convincing your neighbours to do pest control along with you. This way, a single pest control procedure can save your house and the surroundings from mice infestation at the same time. 

Reliance Pest Control offers the most cost-effective mice control Brisbane and other pest control services. You can visit their page to see a range of services that they offer. Moreover, you can find them on Google My Business for their customer testimonials. Call them now for a free quote or enquire!