Ant Pest Control Brisbane

Ant Pest Control Brisbane Services

Do you want affordable local ant pest control Brisbane services? Have you been bothered by the stubborn presence of ants at home or on your commercial property? Do you require experienced and effective ant pest controllers?

Reliance Pest Control has been the top choice of Brisbane residents in exterminating all types and species of ants in Brissy . In fact, we cover both residential and commercial ant pest control. So, whether your ant problem is at home or in your business, we’ve got you covered.

Call us today for a free quote!

Find how much is ant control in Brisbane?

Is Ant an Inspection Important?

We identify the species of ants causing problems and apply the appropriate methods for Brisbane and near Brisbane treatments. This is important to establish, what food they are targeting, how they are trailing back to the nest, and decide on the best way to treat the problem.

How is Pro Ant Treatment in Brisbane Done?

Our Treatments range from Liquid Sprays and Gels. All of our methods are safe for people and pets Depending on the size of the proble and what species will depend on whether we use one or more of our treatments. For example, a combination of gels and dusting are common.

Our Technicians will recommend the best ways to treat your specific ant problem quickly. We have can havea consultation with you via the phone on where and how we proceed with the treatment.

Like most pests, the main goal is to break the breeding cycle. Our baits will do just that. The idea is that the worker ants take the poison back to the nest killing the queen and her eggs.


Why Do You Need an Expert Ant Pest Control Service?

Generally, the following are the primary reasons why you should hire expert ant pest control service near Brisbane: The main reason is that DIY methods do not work well and will not break breeding cycles with ants. Only professional pestie will get the job done right. Reliance has over 20 years in getting rid of all and any type of ants. Below are common problems if the issue is not addressed.

  • Food Spoilage
  • Appliance & Electrical Equipment Damage
  • Roof & Walls Damage
  • They can make a mess outside your home as well Itchy & Painful Bites Prevented
  • Disease

What Are Ants Exactly?

Ants are insects that belong to the family Formicidae. They are one of the most common types of insects in the world, and they can be found in a variety of locations, including homes, forests, fields, and gardens.

Ants have a diverse diet, they will eat almost anything. When ants are present in your home, they can create a number of problems. For starters, they can cause problems with sanitation and hygiene. They may also cause damage to property by eating food or damaging furniture. Not to mention some ants have a very painful sting and can sting multiple times per insect.

What Ants Are Common in Brisbane?


Do Ants Carry Disease?

Once Ants have located a promising food source, they will communicate with others by leaving an invisible chemical trail directing to the source for other ants to follow. These trails can be discovered when you see several ants in one line. 

If you do want to live with ants then do not invite them for lunch. Do not leave food around or crumbs ants will find it. They are primitive survivors and work in unity as one. 

One important thing to be aware of is that they do carry disease. Ants crawl in garbage bins, down drains and other places that are rife with bacteria that is dangerous to humans. Therfore, its important that you are not living with ants.

Call us today, for an ant pest control Brisbane service that works. 


Avoid an Ant Infestation
Our Happy Clients

Is DIY Ant Removal Difficult?

To the point, supermarket products are more of a bandaid when it comes to stopping ants. Like many pests or most pests, you must stop the breeding cycle to get ants out of your life. Only, professional products will get the job done properly. 

Ant infestation has been one of the worst  control problems Brisbane occupants face. In fact, getting rid of ants is a gigantic challenge among many home and business owners. Many people just live with the problem. Particularly, ants can cause massive damage to your property and do carry dangerous bacteria and disease. Therefore, Brisbane homeowners must act in haste to eliminate ants immediately.

Is an Experienced Ant Exterminator the Best Choice?

With our years of servicing the entire Brisbane area, we certainly understand ant infestation. Specifically, we have first-hand experience of how difficult it is to deal with ants. Thankfully, we’ve been successfully eliminating ants through our safe and effective methods. With that said, you can check our happy customer reviews on Google Business Profile.

Contact Reliance Pest Control today for expert ant removal in Brisbane area on 0477 557 202. In fact, you shouldn’t wait for your ant problem to get out of control before you get the solution. Lastly, you can utilize our enquiry form 24/7.

How Did Ants Enter My Home?

Generally, ants are small insects that can hide anywhere inside your home. For instance, they can live in walls and floors. More importantly, you must have noticed that ants always keep moving. They are always in search of food. Therefore, they continuously attack your food storage places. In fact, they often even build homes around these places.

Essentially, since ants are small insects, they can easily get into your Brisbane home. For example, they can enter through the door, floor, windows and roof. So, keeping a check on them becomes challenging. Furthermore, ants immediately launch into the attack mode when you disturb them. Oftentimes, they deliver painful bites. Hence, they can also cause destruction and damage other than contaminating food,

Therefore, if you are dealing with an ant infestation, call Reliance Pest Control immediately. Certainly, we come with years of experience. In conclusion, you can trust our team completely. So, pick up the phone and call on 0477 557 202 to book our ant control Brisbane pest services. Alternatively, you can also use our enquiry form. Contact us now!

What Species Of Ants Will You Find In Brisbane?

Unfortunately, ants have been a cause of major damage in Brisbane. However, the amount of damage an ant can  depends on its species. As an example, while sugar ants do not damage your home, they damage the items in your pantry. So, if you are dealing with sugar ants, you better amp up the safety measures in your pantry.

On the other hand, carpenter ants build homes in wood. Therefore, they are quite capable of damaging a home and its foundation. In general, carpenter ants are found in homes with moisture issues.

Similarly, Pharaoh ants also attack the wood structures in a home. Aside from that, they also attack the homeowners’ food supply. Therefore, we definitely consider them very dangerous.

Common Ants That Are Pests In Brisbane

Argentine ants are small, brown ants that are often found in large numbers. They are known for forming long trails, and can easily enter buildings through small cracks and crevices. 

Black House ants are small, black ants that are often found in and around homes. They are attracted to sweet foods and can contaminate food if they get into the kitchen. 

Coastal Brown ants are also known as “Big-Headed Ants” due to their larger size compared to other ant species. They are reddish-brown in colour and often nest in wall cavities or under pavers.

Green ants are also known as “Weaver Ants” due to their ability to build nests by weaving together leaves. They are green in colour and are often found in trees and shrubs.

Beware of fire ants, they are imported and are the most aggressive ants on the planet. Now, they are at home in Brissy.

Factually, Australia is home to 1300 species and subspecies of ants. Specifically, you can encounter these ant species in all places in Australia.

Therefore, Brisbane homeowners can never be too careful.

What Bacteria Do Ants Carry In Brisbane?

Many Brisbane homeowners presume that ants don’t cause diseases. In fact, they only see them as annoying little creatures and not carriers of diseases. However, the truth is ants do cause diseases.

Firstly, they are scavengers. Therefore, they often come into contact with a lot of bacteria. Secondly, they attack your home’s food storage. As a result, they can easily transfer these bacteria into your food and then to your body.

Undoubtedly, ants you can hold ants responsible for many food-borne diseases. Furthermore, they can also cause dysentery and spread smallpox. In conclusion, ants harm not only your home but also your health.

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Contact Us For Ant Pest Control Brisbane Solutions

As mentioned, dealing with an infestation is never too easy for any home or business owners. Thankfully, our team at Reliance Pest Control is ready with the most effective approach to ant control Brisbane.

Specifically, we come with experience and skills. Therefore, you can trust us blindly. More importantly, we have already helped thousands of Brisbane homeowners. In fact, we invite you to read what our clients are saying about us in our Google reviews.

For ant pest control services near me, reach out to us today!

To book, call 0477 557 202 today. Certainly, we answer all your pest control enquiries and provide a free quote.

Aside from expert ant removal in Brisbane, we also provide solutions for all common pest problems. Specifically, we can remove cockroaches, rats and mice, bed bugs, and fleas. Moreover, we can eliminate termites, bees, wasps, mosquitoes, and many more.